
巴比特资讯 2018-02-14 11:18:12

本周,科罗拉多议员Jared Polis给美国众议院道德委员会写了一封信,呼吁该组织立法要求政府职员公开个人持有的比特币和数字货币资产。


美国政府各部门正在积蓄力量试图监管去中心化的货币比特币以及其他加密货币。议员Jared Polis素来对比特币很友好,他向道德委员会(HCE)提交申请,呼吁其制定相关的政策指导政客公开其数字资产。Polis说美国很多地区都将数字资产定义为证券或者商品,而美国政客则必须申报传统资产持有状况。因此Polis认为HCE为政府雇员提供这方面的指导很有必要。





This week Colorado House Representative Jared Polis sent a letter to the U.S. House Committee on Ethics asking the organization to propose statutes that require government employees to declare their bitcoin and digital currency holdings.

House Representative Jared Polis: ‘Government Employees Should Report Any Virtual Currency Holdings’

U.S. bureaucrats are ramping up efforts to try and regulate the decentralized currency bitcoin and the slew of other cryptocurrencies that exist. On February 5, the House Representative Jared Polis who is known as “bitcoin-friendly,” submitted a request that urges the House Committee on Ethics (HCE) to provide guidance on how politicians can disclose their digital asset holdings. Polis states that in a lot of U.S. territories digital assets are defined as securities or commodities, and U.S. politicians are already required to declare traditional assets. Polis says it is “critical” that the HCE provide this type of guidance to government employees.

Financial Disclosures Are Critical to Maintaining Public Trust

Polis says that it is clear existing statutes that require asset disclosure can easily cover virtual currencies. The Coloradan representative also remarks that the ethics committee should look towards the guidelines already drafted by government agencies such as the IRS, SEC, and CFTC. In addition to commodities like gold, the U.S. Stock Act requires politicians to disclose real-time purchases and sales of stocks acquired. Anything that exceeds over $1,000 whether it be a stock or a commodity must be declared to the public, and Polis says cryptocurrencies are no different. Polis writes in his HCE petition.

The House representative concludes that the increasing use of cryptocurrency as an alternative to traditional payments and investments necessitates congress to take the appropriate actions. Polis believes a set of virtual currency disclosure guidelines will help “maintain transparency and deter potential conflicts of interest.”




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